Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Quilted Fun!

Hi Crafters!

I've been on a mission for...well, quite some clean, organize and purge my crafty haven of treasures. How many of you feel like it's a never-ending process?? I am beginning to accept just that - it's an on-going, never-ending task of cleaning, organizing AND purging in or crafty spaces. Regardless of how big or small your space is - we all have to do these 3 things from time to time or constantly. LOL

Well, this time around I focused on card kits. I used to belong to a few monthly clubs and had to stop them. Not because I didn't love them, but because I was being over-run by monthly kits! I had them for cards, stamp/die ones and a couple for scrapbooking. YIKES! Can we say 'SLOW DOWN'!?!? I didn't want to miss a kit of crafty goodness, but quickly became engulfed in kits of all sorts. So, I cancelled by subs and let the kits sit safely in my craft room. LOL It's been a couple...ok, several years LOL but I'm working my way through them. I also have left over bits in kits that have been sitting. I'm trying to work through those as well. Either, making something fabulous or passing on some here and there in happy mail. 

The cards today were made using a kit from a club that I loved being part of. The cards are simple enough to make with minimal supplies and challenging enough to make you think just a little bit. They are from Annie's Card Kit of the Month. The kit today is called Quilted in Friendship and some of you may even have this one too. I plan to save the instruction booklet for this kit to use with other papers, even scraps from my stash. Here's a look at the cards I made using the kit.

The best part about these kits is there are no special dies or complicated tools needed. I like to pull these kind of kits out when I'm struggling to feel creative too - they help me get the juices flowing.

The only extra tools I needed for these cards was my trusty liquid glue (currently using the Nuvo Deluxe Adhesive until we can get Art Glitter Glue restocked - these are my two favorites :)  ) and my Memento Tuxedo Black Ink Pad

If you're interested in cut sizes and such, let me know - I'm happy to add the instructions here too. All of my cards were made as standard A2 cards - 4.25x5.5".

Thanks for dropping in - until next time...Keep it Crafty!

xx Crafty Deb

Challenges Entered:

  • TBA

1 comment:

  1. These are just beautiful , love your inspiration and classy cards Deb x
